Monday, December 13, 2010

Last Day

I've been working as hard as I can on this paper, along with studying for the 2 finals that I have tomorrow. It would be helpful if I hadn't been extremely sick all weekend so I wasn't cramming today, but what can I do.  I think I am finally on the right track with what Micalee is looking for from my paper, but I am still rather unsure. At this point I am just waiting and hoping for the best because there isn't much else I can do. I hope everyone else is staying calm and not stressing too much about this paper or their finals for other classes.

Good luck!! :)

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Last Week of Classes

This week is almost crazier for me than finals week. Due to the amount I have to do, I have barely gotten to work revising my research paper at all. I am planning to spend Saturday and a large portion of Monday on it, just to ensure that I have made all of the changes Micalee has recommended.

Also, everyone's presentations so far have been really good! I really enjoy learning about all sorts of industries from all over.  I can't wait to see the rest of them tomorrow.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Last week

Is it just me or is the last week of classes just as bad as finals week? I have so many papers and presentations this week it is ridiculous. I am really struggling with trying to revise my rough draft due to all of the work I have in all of my other classes. At least I will have almost all weekend to focus mainly on my paper. I hope everyone is staying as stress free as possible this week!

I can't wait to see more presentations tomorrow :)

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Final Paper

Since I have my presentation done, I have just been focusing on all my papers and presentations for my other classes along with trying to revise my paper for this class. I am hoping to have the parts that I needed to get revised done by Thursday so I can hopefully meet with Micalee to make sure I am making the right corrections that she told me I needed to.

Good luck to everyone on their presentations if you haven't yet and good job to those who already have!!

Thursday, December 2, 2010


I am really glad that I presented today so I didn't have to worry and stress about the whole presenting in front of the class thing anymore. I hope it wasn't too boring, and I'm sorry that it was probably very evident that I was EXTREMELY nervous the entire time I was talking.
Everyone else that presented today did such a good job, and I can't wait to see/listen to everyone else in the class.

Good luck to those who have yet to go, and good job to those who already have!! :)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Presentation Complete

I just finished adding the final touches to my presentation. It is not anything very fancy, but I included a few pictures and as little text as possible to make it seem less boring. It is not super long, but I am hoping that I will be able to talk about enough stuff to take up the entire 10 minutes. I really wish that I was not so nervous about speaking in front of the class because that would make me not dread the morning coming so much. Oh well, I am just going to have to suck it up and hope for the best!

Hope your papers and projects are all going well!! :)

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


So I hate to be one of those students, but since about 10:00 last night I have been throwing up periodically and still have been this morning so I wasn't able to make it to class. I thought it would be in the best interest of myself and all of you if I didn't come to class since I have been getting sick so often. I was wondering if someone could let me know if anything major happened. I know we talked about the grading rubric because I saw Micalee's post on the main blog.

I am still working extremely hard on doing a bit more research for my paper and trying to design a power point presentation that isn't too boring, but that I am also able to present without getting too nervous about. Hopefully I will start feeling better by tonight so I can have more motivation for it all.

Good luck to everyone on getting your presentations together! See you on Thursday!